Race, Gender, Sexualities and knowledge production



Race; Genre; Sexualities; knowledge production


This article presents the results of the research on Race, Gender, Sexualities and knowledge production. It consists of the analysis of the technical and bibliographic production on Ethnic-Racial Relations, Gender and Sexualities, generated in POSCRÍTICA by DELLARTES/Campus II of UNEB, from 2014 to 2019. The research aims to identify content on the topic in the dissertations defended in the period studied in the Post-criticism; analyze its impact on the training of teachers, students and other groups benefited by the program's action. From the readings and records of the works that underlie the works, as well as the methodological procedures and research findings, in the consultation of the PÓS-CRÍTICA and CAPES databases, 47 works focusing on ethnic-racial and gender relations were accessed. and their intersections. Results point to more accentuated ethnic-racial inequalities when intersected by gender, especially when analyzing studies aimed at indigenous and gypsy women in relation to black and white women. The difficulty of indigenous women to find support for their productions of knowledge and for black women to achieve visibility for their productions was highlighted. The productions about gender are mostly of female authorship, and show themselves as a conduit for the emancipation of these bodies. Four works on sexualities were found, of which two intersect with gender and two with race and gender. Among researchers on this topic, few are women; sexualities are still silenced and weakened when associated with social markers such as gender and race. Educators are not prepared to deal with sexuality and the topic does not receive adequate attention for the emancipation of subjects.



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Author Biographies

Lícia Maria de Lima Barbosa, Universidade do Estado da Bahia/Professora

PhD in Ethnic and African Studies-Posafro/UFBA. Research professor at the Post-Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism, State University of Bahia (Post-Critic / UNEB) in the line of research on Literacy, Identities and Educator Training. Member of the Research Groups Iraci Gama and Território, Culture and Collective Actions (TECEMOS) both at UNEB. Member of Instituto Ceafro/ ICEAFRO: Education for Racial and Gender Equality. She works on the theme of identities with a focus on race-gender-sexualities, generation, black women, hip-hop, feminisms, and their impacts on education and languages.

Gabriela Cavalcante de Jesus, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Brasil

Undergraduate student in Degree in Pedagogy at the State University of Bahia

Dagmar da Paixão de Lima Souza, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Brasil

Student of Arts - Portuguese Language and Portuguese Language Literature at
Bahia State University, UNEB, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, L. M. de L., Cavalcante de Jesus, G. ., & Souza, D. da P. de L. . (2021). Race, Gender, Sexualities and knowledge production. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Núcleo De Pesquisa E Extensão (RevNUPE), 1(1), e202111. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/revnupe/article/view/13171



Dossiê: Produção e gestão do conhecimento em sexualidades, gênero e raça/etnias