linguistic prejudice, linguistic variations, teacher, student, school, standard norm.Abstract
The present work aims to analyze the issue of linguistic prejudice, linguistic variation and what is the perception and concern that the Portuguese language teacher and elementary school students of a public school in the city of Parintins/AM have in relation to the subject in question. . This concern arose when noticing that in the teaching of Portuguese in the early years of elementary school, the focus is on traditionalist teaching, a factor that centralizes normative grammar, that is, that treats grammar as the only correct form, thus disregarding the other linguistic varieties, which will later result in linguistic prejudice in relation to the other varieties, since before the standard norm they are classified as wrong. From this fact arose the question that guided this research: The teachers who teach the Portuguese language subject in the early years of elementary school, are bringing up from the early grades the fact that linguistic prejudice exists and making the proper placement between standard norm and linguistic varieties? To arrive at a concrete answer, field research methods were used, of a qualitative nature, via observation, conversation wheel and interview. The result of the research was as expected, since little is said about the subject in schools, thus proving that there is no concern on the part of teachers to deconstruct linguistic prejudice and thus explain its various facets and give visibility to the innumerable linguistic variations from all four corners of the country.
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