

Schooling and literacy. Province of Bahia. Pombaline reforms. 18th Century.


In this article, the objective is to present a brief historical journey of the schooling process in the Province of Bahia, in the 18th century, in the context of the Pombaline Reforms of public education, conducted by the Marquis of Pombal, during the reign of D. José I This study presents some of the difficulties faced in providing qualified lay teachers and in providing materials and textbooks for the schooling and literacy of youth, both in Portugal and its possessions, in general, and in the Province of Bahia, specifically, since the beginnings of the Pombaline government, in the process of nationalization of education after its withdrawal from Jesuit tutelage, on June 28, 1759. The work aims to present to the reader the intellectual and material mishaps through which passed through the Province of Bahia in the period under analysis. serving as a guiding thread, linking the past to the contemporary world, with regard to the difficulties in teaching reading and writing, as well as the mastery of the standard norm of the national language by those who were involved in the craft of instructing and promoting the literacy to its inhabitants.


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Author Biography

Álvaro César Pereira de Souza, Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT)

Doutor em Língua e Cultura pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Professor da Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT).


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How to Cite

Souza, Álvaro C. P. de. (2022). ESCOLARIZAÇÃO E LETRAMENTO NA BAHIA NO SÉCULO XVIII: AS REFORMAS POMBALINAS E SUAS IMPLICAÇÕES. Diálogos E Diversidade, 2, e15729. Retrieved from



Dossiê temático: Práticas leitoras na contemporaneidade