Virtual Community of Practice COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE (VCOP): a collaborative experience



Virtual Community of Practice (VCoP); Memory; Historical and Cultural Heritage.


This work searches to discuss about the actions based on the creation of the Virtual Community of Practice (VCoP), entitled: "Photography, Memory and Education: dialogue between the memories of the elderly and the heritage education of students, from photographic records", as part of the research of the Professional Master's Degree in Education and Diversity, of the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB), in Jacobina. This community was formed by the members of the Open University of the Third Age (UATI), teachers and students of the Territorial Center for Professional Education of Piedmont of Diamantina II. From the qualitative approach and collaborative action-research, this research used techniques such as questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and focus group. Finally, the first conclusions showed that the VCoP, subsidized by the Digital Information and Communication Technologies, allowed dialogue and interaction among the participants about the study of the historical and cultural heritage of Jacobina, Bahia, Brazil, from the photographic records.


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Author Biography

Vasti Sampaio de Miranda Xavier, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)

Graduada em Letras pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Mestranda em Educação e Diversidade (UNEB) Participante do grupo de pesquisa Cultura Visual Culti-vi. Professora da Secretaria de Educação do Estado da Bahia. 


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How to Cite

Xavier, V. S. de M. (2022). Virtual Community of Practice COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE (VCOP): a collaborative experience. Diálogos E Diversidade, 2, e13233. Retrieved from



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