Cartas narrativas sobre cotidianos escolares: movimentos de palavras faladas e palavras escritas
Cartas narrativas. Cotidianos escolares. Investigação Narrativa.Abstract
Thinking and doing school, recognizing the complexity of their daily lives and the construction of knowledge that takes place there, requires education workers/researchers/researchers to understand writing as a possibility of recording and an invitation to conversations in these spaces and their interactions. Freire already told us that the School is made of people. People who have history, experience and knowledge. People who are practitioners of their daily lives. People who are on a date. Encounters that need to be told, narrated, revisited. This text seeks to weave a written conversation about narrative letters, understood here as possibilities for the exercise of the spoken and written words. Here, the concept of narrative letters is assumed and presented as a re-encounter with the narrative, with the research that is lived, with the memories of teaching that lead us to document the experiences of life and training.
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