Capítulos da história de uma família registrados em cartas
Biographical narrative. Letters. Family epistolography.Abstract
This article is the result of a reading of epistolary texts (letters, notes, telegrams, cards), exchanged and accumulated over more than six decades by a family in the interior of Bahia. Studies, marriages, births, deaths, family and city gossip are happening one after another and creating an engaging plot whose characters are ordinary people. The author takes as a methodological basis the assumptions of biographical narrative, a mode of investigation that is part of the possibilities of qualitative research. It uses as theoretical basis these authors: Josso (2008), Silva and Costa (2008), Camargo (2011), Santos (2016) and Castillo Gómez (2021). The text is divided into twelve sections, the first three of which are theoretical and the others are dedicated to reading the letters themselves, intertwining them based on the contents that are being addressed.
Keywords: Biographical narrative. Letters. Family epistolography.
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