Um olhar cronotópico sobre as narrativas biográficas relacionadas às pessoas em situação de deficiência no cinema
Cinema, Education, Inclusion, Biographical narrativesAbstract
Many cinematographic films that portray people with disabilities are biographical dramas that narrate the life or fragments of the lives of people with disabilities or syndrome. In this article, we propose to analyze these films fron the classification made by Bakhtin (2010; 2011) in relation to literary novels, considering the space-time movement, based on the concept of chronotope, that defines how the life of the character and herself are represented (Hall, 2016) in the narrative. In the analysis, we find films in which the power of the senses is lost in only one possible and predetermined meaning, of overcoming. But, there are also films that break with this perspective, by presenting multiple social voices that tension the social context; diverse representations of disabilities and syndromes; multiple experiences, including considering the body and sexuality; and even a chronotopic movement, in which its characters are transformed in their relationship with the world, transforming it and anticipating other ways of thinking and experiencing the situation of disability in a fully inclusive perspective, which is projected in the future. Keywords: cinema, education, inclusion; biographical narratives.
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