
Announcement: currently, the Ouricuri Magazine has the process of submitting works deactivated


Dear users,

We would like to communicate that, currently, the Ouricuri Magazine has the process of submitting works deactivated. Unfortunately, this prevents us from accepting new articles for now.

However, we want to reassure you. The submissions already made are safe and will not be affected by this procedure. In addition, the evaluation process and all others remain active and operating normally.

We kindly ask that you retain your new submissions for the Ouricuri Magazine until this process is finalized. We are committed to completing the updates as soon as possible and deeply appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during this period.

We appreciate everyone’s collaboration and apologize for any inconvenience this situation may cause.


Ouricuri Magazine Team

Read more about Announcement: currently, the Ouricuri Magazine has the process of submitting works deactivated

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024)
					View Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024)

Créditos da capa

Foto: Ramo na mão, fé no coração!

Autor: Raimundo Cavalhier

Published: 2024-01-19

Dossiê: Rememoração e contação da história ‘de si’ pela geografia afetiva do campo-roça na lembrança ancestral dos familiares mortos e vivos.


Artigos de Revisão

  • (Re)thinking antiracist education in Brazil: an analysis

    Célia Hipólito, Jurema Hughes Sento Sé, Susana Costa, Sónia Mairos Baptista Ferreira
  • Post-harvest quality of Biofortified vegetables bibliographical review

    Thiago Pereira de Paiva Silva , Roberto Remigio Florêncio, Ana Elisa Oliveira Santos

Nota Científica

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