Desertification process and loss of Biological diversity in the Brazilian Semi-arid region




Dryland Degradation, Fauna, Flora


The process of desertification is the degradation of land in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid regions of the planet as a result of climatic characteristics and/or anthropogenic practices. This process of land degradation is caused as a result of human actions combined with natural and climatic features that intensify the severity of desertification. In general, the desertification process is caused by the exploitation of natural resources, inadequate land use practices for agricultural production and animal husbandry (overgrazing and excessive cultivation), combined with short-sighted regional development models without the planning and management of natural resources. Various factors contribute to desertification, including inadequate agricultural practices, deforestation, soil infertility and compaction, erosion and salinization. This paper discusses the loss of biodiversity in the Caatinga biome in areas affected by or developing desertification, as well as the environmental legislation that governs the preservation of environmental resources in Brazil. The results show that several species of fauna and flora are at serious risk from the environmental degradation of the Caatinga biome. It is important that public policies build knowledge about the environmental, social and economic importance of preserving the Caatinga in order to reverse the situation of degradation and contribute to preserving the remnants. The climatic characteristics of Brazil's semi-arid region, with high temperatures, short periods of rainfall and sparse vegetation, contribute to the process of soil degradation. These characteristics, together with the exploitation of human activities, greatly contribute to the areas of the Brazilian semi-arid region losing productivity or becoming unproductive. Other severe losses are to the biome's biodiversity, which affects everything from the soil to the vegetation and fauna.


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Author Biographies

Fredson Pereira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco-UFPE

Professor Adjunto na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco no Departamento de Ciências Geográficas, DCG, UFPE, campus Recife. Mestre em Ecologia Humana e Gestão Socioambiental, PPGEcoH, UNEB, campus III. Doutor em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará, ProPGeo, UECE.

Francelita Coelho Castro, Instituto Federal da Bahia

Mestra em Ecologia Humana e Gestão Socioambiental, PPGEcoH, UNEB, campus III. Doutora em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC.

Adalberto Gonzaga da Cruz Junior, Faculdade de Petrolina - FACAPE

Doutorando em Geografia plena Universidade Federal de Sergipe, PPGEO,UFS. Mestre em Ecologia Humana e Gestão Socioambiental, PPGEcoH, UNEB, campus III.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA DA SILVA, F.; COELHO CASTRO, F.; GONZAGA DA CRUZ JUNIOR, A. Desertification process and loss of Biological diversity in the Brazilian Semi-arid region. Ouricuri Magazine, [S. l.], v. 14, n. edicao-especial-02, p. 03–11, 2024. DOI: 10.59360/ouricuri.vol14.iedicao-especial-02.a22528. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Edição Especial – Encontro de Egressos 2024

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