(Re)thinking antiracist education in Brazil: an analysis





Anti-Racist Education, Racism, Race, Education, Racial insult


This article aims to present a brief reflection on the possibility of an Anti-Racist Education process in Brazil. Bring some reflections and concepts about Anti-Racist Education, racism and its types, race/ethnicity and how citizens and educators, members of this process, can contribute to making this change effective. With an analysis focused on the Brazilian context, the following discussion aims to contribute to the reduction of racism in the school environment. Therefore, the proposal is to find out how the opportunity for educational growth is provided in the most needy communities. What pedagogical knowledge will be built based on equal opportunities for all? The proposal is to investigate the opportunity for educational growth in needy communities, through the construction of pedagogical knowledge and the opportunity for equality for all, all of this based on education for all, observing respect for differences, with the school being responsible for ensuring that this right be fully complied with. Law No. 10,639/2023 establishes the appreciation of Afro-Brazilian history and culture and explains its basic implications in the formation of society. Another advance was the implementation in Brazil of the Law on Racism and Racial Injury, based on the Brazilian Penal Code.


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Author Biographies

Célia Hipólito, Universidade de Coimbra

Optimistic, sense of organization and discipline.
Creative and capable of improvisation.
Self-taught with ease of learning and capacity for autonomy.

Jurema Hughes Sento Sé, Universidade Coimbra

Universidade Coimbra

Susana Costa, Universidade de Coimbra

Almeirim, district Santarém, Portugal
Graduated on Political Science between 1997 - ULHTJournalist since 1999
Master Degree on Political and Social History 2005
Journalist since 1999
Chief Editor of the local paper editon "O Almerinense" 2001
Vice President of RUTIS - National Net of Seniors Universities 2011
Chief Editor of a diary online journal (www.almeirinense.com) 2011
Chief Editor of the digital tv projet AlmeirinenseTV 2012

Sónia Mairos Baptista Ferreira, Universidade de Coimbra

Universidade de Coimbra


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How to Cite

HIPÓLITO, C.; HUGHES SENTO SÉ, J.; COSTA, S.; FERREIRA, S. M. B. (Re)thinking antiracist education in Brazil: an analysis. Ouricuri Magazine, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 03–12, 2024. DOI: 10.59360/ouricuri.vol14.i1.a16752. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/ouricuri/article/view/16752. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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