Literary reading

from printed to digital




Printed Reading, Digital Reading, Literature


This article explores the evolution of literary reading from printed to digital format, investigating how this transition impacts the reader’s interaction with literary works. The perceptual and cognitive changes resulting from reading on digital platforms are analyzed, highlighting the influence of technologies on the reader’s experience. It also examines the democratization of access to literature, the introduction of multimedia elements and new forms of social interaction in virtual communities of readers. By confronting the challenges and opportunities of this transformation, this study aims to understand the implications of digital reading in the contemporary literary context, considering the nuances that define the transition from printed to digital reading. To support this discussion, it is based on theorists and scholars such as Bordini and Aguiar (1988), Chartier (2003), Cavallo (2002), Canclini (2008), Coscarelli (2012), Cruz (2012), among others. Therefore, this analysis not only understands technological transformations, but reflects on how these changes affect the essence of literary reading in the educational environment, exploring not only the past and present, but also the future of this constantly evolving scenario.


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Author Biography

Nadja Silva Brasil Santos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB

Graduated in Vernacular Literature with Qualification in Portuguese Language and Respective Literatures from the State University of Feira de Santana/BA (UEFS), she deepened her training with a specialization in Psychopedagogy Applied to the Initial Series at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), Campus XI Serrinha /BA. Obtained a Master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Criticism at UNEB, Campus II Alagoinhas/BA. Currently, he is in the PhD phase in the Post-Criticism Program in Cultural Criticism at UNEB, Campus II Alagoinhas/BA, integrating Line 2 Literacies, identities and training of educators and playing a role as a member of the GEREL-UNEB Research group (Study Group on Resilience, Education and Languages). Professionally, she has 21 years of experience as an effective teacher in the Bahia State Network. She stood out as a corrector of the ENEM National High School Exam for 6 years and as a Supervisor in the PIBID/UEFS Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program for 9 years. Member of the editorial board of the annals Seminário Interlinhas UNEB (2021/2022), reviewer of periodicals at Fábrica de Letras (2022) and ABRALIC (2022). He is currently part of the editorial committee of the electronic magazine Grau Zero (2023/2024). In addition, she acted as organizer of the works Trilhando os Caminhos da Poesia (2017) and Poesia: A Arte de (RE) Viver (2019), both related to the completion of school projects in basic education. With a concentrated focus on Literature, Writing and Teacher Training, it develops and executes courses, mini-courses and educational projects.



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How to Cite

SANTOS, N. S. B. Literary reading: from printed to digital. Grau Zero – Revista de Crítica Cultural, Alagoinhas-BA: Fábrica de Letras - UNEB, v. 12, n. 1, p. 59–76, 2024. DOI: 10.30620/gz.v12n1.p59. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.