Psicanálise, infância e educação infantil contemporânea em giros planetários




Psicanálise e educação, Criança, Educação infantil, Tecnologias digitais, Pandemia


This article is the result of studies and researches in psychoanalysis which are supported by theoretical methodological assumptions in the interfaceon education and psychoanalysis through two research groups certified by CNPq on contemporary childhood in dissertations and theses built at the university. It discusses the relationship with the body and children’s learning in the context of the pandemic planetary crisis, inserts listening, traversed by the school and tensions present in the family environment as well as the reality that places the subject at the service of the uninterrupted enjoyment of consumer objects, leaving no room for subjectivity to emerge. The new temporospatial configurations for children born in the era of digital technologies subtract free play and are marked by hyperconnection, which is one of the faces of the symptom resulting from the language conveyed on flat screens, obeying the logic of instantaneity. Therefore, it is up to the child’s parents and educators to encourage the temporal arising of the subjective condition of the act of educating



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How to Cite

ORNELLAS, L. .; ORNELLAS , M. de L. Psicanálise, infância e educação infantil contemporânea em giros planetários. Revista da FAEEBA - Educação e Contemporaneidade, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 60, p. 31–41, 2020. DOI: 10.21879/faeeba2358-0194.2020.v29.n60.p31-41. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.

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