Política curricular e Educação do Campo
discussões e práticas de gestão educacional em tempos de pandemia
Política curricular; Educação do Campo; Gestão educacional.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to discuss curriculum policy and rural education in the primary education context. It presents the result of a study that aimed to analyze the perception from municipal education leaders, out of 14 municipalities in the western region of Bahia, on the development of educational management activities in times of social isolation, caused by the COVID19 pandemic. This is an exploratory and documentary research, in a qualitative approach and there had been the participation of municipal education secretaries. For data collection, a multiple choice questionnaire was available through virtual environment. The results showed that the actions need to be intensified in the contribution for effectiveness in the educational management performance, with a view to promote innovative pedagogical practices. The challenges are set for curriculum policy. Actions are needed to ensure the proper functioning of public schools. The understanding is about a different reality experienced by public schools in the rural areas and the overcoming of current inequalities.
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Atualizado em 15/07/2017