Mathematics Education. Playfulness. Literature of twine. History of Writing.Abstract
Abstract: Permeating the History of Mathematics through a potentially ludic and philosophical art is the key point of this dive that brings as its main guide, understanding the narrative of the history of writing with Cordel's Literature. The objective established in this research is to know the evolution of writing from remote times to the eighteenth century, in a perspective that portrays new forms of teaching and learning Mathematics. As a methodological approach, the texts of Dirk Struik were used The Historiography of Mathematics from Proklos to Cantor and Kurt L'Historiographie Mathématique avant Montucla, in addition to other sources that discuss the theme, and its framing has a theoretical-empirical, documentary, descriptive nature and with a qualitative approach. The theoretical framework is intimately connected with the discussion of the data, where stanzas in seven lines (setilha) were created that portray the historiography of Mathematics. The results achieved allow us to state that the state of the art contributes to teaching, learning, art, philosophy, creativity, innovation, culture, a range of information from the mathematical field and an opening for new insights.
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