Body, Amerindian Perspectivism, Subject of EducationAbstract
The Amerindian conception of the body opens up new possibilities for thinking about the constitution of the subject of education. Based on this assumption, the present work aims to understand the conception of the body present in the so-called Amerindian perspectivism. This is theoretical research aimed at dialogue with other systems of thought distinct from those forged by modern rationality. Located within the scope of Philosophy of Education, the investigation discusses the reports of the Yanomami leader Davi Kopenawa recorded in the book The Fall of the Sky. The results allow us to understand a Bildung sui generis, a complex process of human formation supported by the centrality of the figure of the shaman both in the process of manufacturing bodies and in the transmission and dissemination of knowledge. For Amerindian populations, the education of the human subject emerges, therefore, inseparable from the processes of transformation of the body. Thus, it is possible to conclude that Amerindian philosophies directly oppose the hegemonic way of situating the body in modern educational theories, signaling new paths of investigation.
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