Educational potentialities of the short story “The happy family” by Andersen

propositions for teaching ecosystems



Tale, Educational potential, Ecosystems


The story has a significant formative cultural value, in the sense of circulating the knowledge of a people, but also of entertaining and making language a playful device in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, this work presents the various potentialities, especially those of an educational nature, present in the short story The Happy Family, by Hans Christian Andersen, indicating its plot and characters and then their skills in teaching science, notably the themes related to ecosystems. Methodologically, a discussion of the story is carried out in light of the aspects circumscribed in the field of Natural Sciences, and also those that allow discussing the topic from an integrative perspective, which includes dialogue with other areas, including the humanities. Finally, as results of the discussion, the potential of the story is reiterated as part of pedagogical and training practices that can contribute to the elaboration of experiences and knowledge, to the enjoyment of its aesthetics and to the interaction that storytelling can promote.


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Author Biographies

Abraão Carneiro do Carmo Rodrigues, Federal University of Bahia/Master's student

Master's student in Education from the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE) at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Specialist in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Bachelor in Psychology from the State University of Bahia (UNEB). Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Bahia (UNEB). Psychoanalyst (Training School - NAPSI). Psychologist. Teacher in the basic education network of the State of Bahia in the municipality of Salvador. He is a member of the Research and Studies Group on Reading and Storytelling (GPELCH) linked to UNEB.

Tiago Santos Sampaio, University of the State of Bahia/Professor

PhD in Knowledge Diffusion from the Postgraduate Program in Knowledge Diffusion at the State University of Bahia (UNEB); Master in Culture and Society from the Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Culture and Society from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Specialist in Teaching Methodology, Research and Extension in Higher Education from UNEB and Bachelor in Social Communication (Radio and TV) from Santa Cruz State University (UESC). He has been a professor of the Social Communication course at UNEB (Campus XIV) since 2009, developing teaching, research and extension activities. In university management, he worked in the Collegiate Coordination, as Communication Advisor at UNEB and Advisor to the Rectory. Its areas of activity focus on Knowledge and Communication Management; Communication Theories, Discourse Analysis, Cultural Studies, Communication Policies and Community Communication.

Amanda Maria Nascimento Gomes, University of the State of Bahia/Professor

Amanda Maria Nascimento Gomes, graduated in Vernacular Literature with a Foreign Language Spanish at the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC). She is a specialist in: "Reading, Interpretation and Text Production" from Faculdade do Sul. She is currently Assistant Professor of Portuguese Language, Text Production at the State University of Bahia-UNEB-Campus XV-Valença in the Pedagogy Course. She was a professor of the Literature Course at Campus XXIII (2009-2016). She coordinated the Extension Project "Reading and Interpretation Strategies for Text Understanding". In 2021, he organized and published (e-Book and printed book) the Collection "In Tempos de Pandemia um Olhar para Poesia da Vida!", which brought together 54 authors from Chapada Diamantina, Recôncavo in the south of Bahia who participated in the Extension Course Online of the same name coordinated by her in 2020. She participated in fifteen collections of poems and chronicles, organized two poems and is the independent author of a book. The professor aims to research literary literacy in teacher training in the Postgraduate course. She is studying a Master's degree in the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies (Line 1-Literature) at the State University of Bahia. She is from the Research Group: LEALLL-Languages ​​and Education: Literacy, Reading, Linguistics and Literature-UNEB Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Oton Magno dos Santos.


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How to Cite

Carneiro do Carmo Rodrigues, A., Santos Sampaio, T., & Maria Nascimento Gomes, A. (2024). Educational potentialities of the short story “The happy family” by Andersen: propositions for teaching ecosystems. Revista CHO - Contação De Histórias E Oralidade, 3(2), 35–54. Retrieved from

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