Education and Decolonial Thought

reflections on the importance of building new epistemological narratives for the academic training of students, teachers and researchers.


  • Leonardo Machado Nascimento Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)



educação, epistemologia decolonial, história e memória


This text deals with a thematic study dealing with decolonial education, and aims to reflect on the epistemological influence of a Eurocentric nature in the history of education in the Brazilian context, and the importance of constructing new epistemological narratives, based on a critical review of the historical facts, which contribute to the continuous process of academic training improvement of students, teachers and researchers, aimed at developing a pedagogical proposal for education and research work from a decolonial perspective. The methodological process consisted of systematizing the literature review, bringing to discussion the main aspects of the contents of themes related to the context of the historical formation of education in Brazil, which supported the thematic texts studied and critically analyzed, followed by pertinent comments and reflections, considered relevant to understanding the topics covered. In a second moment, the discussion was expanded to the field of the more specific problem of interest to this study, focused on the need to develop an epistemological and pedagogical proposal for decolonial education. In this sense, it was found that the studies pointed to an urgent need to expand this debate in the various interaction environments (Social, professional, academic, family, etc.), aiming to create new possibilities for epistemological narratives, based on the rich cultural content of the memory of original and enslaved peoples, exploring and praising these legacies, in order to bring these constitutive elements of this worldview to the center of the entire Brazilian educational, social and cultural process, to try to overcome this memory structure of the dominant Eurocentric epistmological thought.

Keywords: education; decolonial epistemology; history and memory.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Machado Nascimento, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)

Graduado em Ciências Contábeis pela Fundação Visconde de Cairú (1992), com Especialização em Contabilidade Gerencial pela Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFB (1998), e Mestrado em Antropologia Social pelo Programa de Iberoamérica da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Salamanca - USAL, Espanha (2016); Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Contemporaneidade (PPGEduC), da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), pesquisando a temática da trajetória de alunos cotistas afrodescendentes, participando ainda como membro dos Grupos de Pesquisas REDE de GECTIS e GRFeCS, além de coordenar também Projeto de IC no mesmo Departamento; Docente do quadro permanente da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), lotado no Departamento de Ciências Humanas e Tecnologia - DCHT- Campus XIX - Camaçari-BA.

