Cognitive strategies in the linguistic production in English




Linguistic production, Psychological factors, Cognitive strategies


The linguistic production in a foreign language in academic contexts can be a difficult activity for learners due to some external and internal factors, like psychological factors; that may cause interference in the linguistic production (GOMES, 2018). Considering these factors, it is possible to use cognitive strategies to help to deal with difficulties in the oral and written production (OXFORD, 1990). In this context, this study tries to identify and describe the psychological factors that interfere the oral and written production of the freshman students in the course of Letters and map the cognitive strategies used to deal with the difficulties in the mentioned context. To carry out this research, a questionnaire was applied to ten freshman students of Letters – English Language at UFCG. After analyzing the results, it was possible to identify that anxiety, fear, pressure, shyness, tension, nervousness, and lack of motivation were the factors mentioned as obstacles in the linguistic production in academic activities. As a result, to deal with those factors, the strategies of practicing, repetition, annotation, reading and listening to contents in the foreign language worked as facilitators in this process. Finally, using the mentioned strategies can help to deal with psychological factors that block the oral and written production.


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Author Biographies

Mainan Barbosa Borges, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Graduanda em Letras - Língua Inglesa pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande.Tem interesse na área da Linguística, especificamente nos estudos da Psicolinguística, Neurolinguística e Linguística Cognitiva.

Cleydstone Chaves dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Graduação em Letras Estrangeiras Modernas Inglês pela UFPB (1999), Francês pela UFCG (2004), mestrado em Letras- Linguística pela UFPB (2006) e doutorado em Estudos da Tradução pela UFSC (2014). Também tem formação linguística em alemão e espanhol pela UFCG (1996-2002. Atualmente é Professor associado da unidade academêmica de Letras da UFCG. Tem experiência na área de Letras com ênfase em estudos linguísticos em língua inglesa (morfologia, sintaxe, semântica e pragmática) e nos Estudos de Tradução.




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How to Cite

BORGES, M. B.; SANTOS, C. C. dos. Cognitive strategies in the linguistic production in English. Babel: Revista Eletrônica de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, Alagoinhas, BA, v. 13, p. e17954, 2023. DOI: 10.69969/revistababel.v13i.17954. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.