The concept of language teaching approach from a complex perspective
Language Teaching, Language Teaching Approach, Complexity TheoryAbstract
Language Teaching scientific field has always been involved in the (re)creation and/or (re)categorization of terms and concepts (cf. ANTHONY, 1963; ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997; BORGES, 2009, 2010, 2016; RICHARDS; RODGERS, 2014). One construct – if not one of the most discussed conceptions in this area – is the Language Teaching Approach. Term intrinsically aligned (explicitly and/or implicitly) to the choices of procedures for teaching. In this context, I aim to revisit this concept and re-conceptualize it in the light of Complexity Theory (LARSEN-FREEMAN, 1997; LARSEN-FREEMAN; CAMERON, 2008; BORGES; SILVA, 2016). To do so, I used qualitative-interpretative bibliographic research. As a result, I defined the Language Teaching Approach as a theoretical pattern of language teaching, emerging in the interaction of eight agents: language conception, learning conception, second language acquisition theory, language competence, language skill, teaching unit, learner conception, and teacher conception.
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