É a ciência artística ou a arte é científica?


  • Pérola Cunha Bastos Universidade do Estado da Bahia campus II, Alagoinhas




Foreign language teaching, Story-telling, Literature as a social practice


As a result of a course offered as a researching project at Uneb – Campus II in Alagoinhas (Bahia), which objective is to form people story-telling, this article aims to discuss - based upon the sub-theme of dialogue between science and art - the art of story-telling as a means of teaching a foreign language (FL), making cultures closer, as well as making participants motivated throughout the process; we will deal with literature as a social practice and with physics, more especifically, with the concepts of reflection and optical refraction. According to Cléo Busatto (2003), one tells stories for various reasons: to delight and sensitize the listeners, to encourage imagination, to touch the heart, to “feed” the spirit and to educate readers. Reading happens out of the dialogue between the reader and the object being read. Through written language, sounds, gestures, images or events. Given this, learning to read also means learning to read the world (Freire), giving meaning to the world and to ourselves. The main objective of this article is to show that the conceptual transit between what we will consider in this context as science: physics, and as art: literature and story-telling is feasible. And why does one tell stories in a second language? Not only is it a ludic moment, but it is also recognizedly a pedagogical resource, since it is used through literature, and it involves important communicative skills in language learning such as listening comprehension, reading, including non-verbal one, which can be therefore understood as semiotics. Thus, the act of story- telling involves communicative elements that are present in pedagogical resources and that go beyond the pedagogical procedures followed in language teaching. Within this scene, there is a space to think of literature as a vehicle of cultural elements and of formation of the being that inhabits the reader, or possibly the story-teller, as no one is impune having had contact with a written text work. Further to this, one may be able to recognize the other in the characters of a story, who comes from different cultures and contexts, and it may be able to reflect about the relevance of literature as a cultural expression of art in the teaching of a FL as a science. A discussion on art and science will be held; art can appear to be scientific, just as science can seem to be artistic.


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Author Biography

Pérola Cunha Bastos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia campus II, Alagoinhas

Professora do Curso de Letras, Língua Inglesa e Literaturas do Departamento de Educação (DEDC II) da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, campus da cidade de Alagoinhas.


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How to Cite

BASTOS, P. C. É a ciência artística ou a arte é científica?. Babel: Revista Eletrônica de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, Alagoinhas, BA, v. 1, n. 1, p. 47–59, 2012. DOI: 10.69969/revistababel.v1i1.100. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/babel/article/view/100. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

