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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in .DOC format; or DOCX; or .ODT, and does not exceed 2MB
  • Text files do not have information that identifies their authors. Such information must be registered exclusively in the journal's system at the time of submission.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication in another Journal.
  • The text is spaced 1.5 lines apart; uses Arial font, size 12; uses italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); Figures and tables are inserted in the text, followed by a legend.
  • The text follows the style and formatting standards described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • All bibliographic material located on the internet and used in the work is identified by the “link” in the references.
  • The text has a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 pages, including references.

Author Guidelines

BABEL: Electronic Journal of Foreign Languages and Literature has 3 sections: FREE SECTION, THEMATIC SECTION and TRANSLATIONS. Submitted texts must be written in Portuguese, English or French.

Submitted texts must be authored by professors/researchers with a master's or doctoral degree linked to Higher Education Institutions; undergraduate students under faculty professors’/teachers’ guidance and supervision; master's and doctoral students linked to stricto sensu Postgraduate Programs. In addition to this audience, texts submitted by teachers linked to the Brazilian Basic Education Network, with the title of Specialist, Master or Doctor, are accepted.

The Free Section receives submissions that are in accordance with the Journal's focus and area. Contributions can be sent at any time.

The Thematic Section, or Dossier, receives submissions based on a specific theme or menu, organized by professors or researchers linked to Higher Education Institutions. This section will open calls for publication that will be released by the Editorial Committee.

For the Translations section, articles translated into Brazilian Portuguese in the area of Letters, Linguistics and Arts published in foreign journals can be submitted, preferably; Translations of literary texts or theoretical essays, from English and French (to send material in other languages, contact the Editorial Committee via e-mail: In all cases, authorization from the author(s) or editors responsible for the first publication is required.


All submissions must occur through the Journal's system. Submissions sent by email are not accepted.

Authors must inform, at the time of submission, the ORCID digital identifier. Learn more details:

The work in co-authorship must not exceed the number of 2 co-authors.

The works must be sent in .DOC format file; or .DOCX; or .ODT.

Submissions will be refused if they do not comply with the rules presented.

Rules updated on July 1st, 2021.

For submissions to: THEMATIC SECTION and FREE SECTION:

Document Margins:
Top: 3cm
Bottom: 2.0 cm
Left: 2.0 cm
Right: 2.0 cm

Font: Arial
Font Size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5

The works must have between 10 and 20 pages and have a maximum of 2MB. Articles must be presented with the following structure:

1. Title: on the first line, centered, bold, font Arial, size 12, only the first letter capitalized;

2. One line below, title in Foreign Language, centered, bold, Arial font, size 12, only first letter capitalized;

3. Abstract in Portuguese: Put the word ABSTRACT in capital letters, followed by a colon. Write the text in a single paragraph, single space, justified, up to 200 words. Font: Arial, size 10. This same rule applies to the foreign language abstract;

4. Keywords in Portuguese: up to three (3) keywords, separated by a period; capital initial. Font: Arial, size 10. This same rule applies to keywords in a Foreign Language.

5. Body text, Font: Arial, size 12, justified alignment. Indent the first line of the paragraph by 1.5 cm. Line spacing: 1,5.

6. Direct quotes in the body of the text must be enclosed in quotation marks, followed by the call AUTHOR-DATE, example: (CAMPOS, 2012, p. 23).

7. Direct quotes with more than three lines should not be enclosed in quotation marks and it should be noted:
a) indentation of 4 cm from the left margin;
b) The same font as the body text, size 10;
c) Line spacing: 1,5

8. Explanatory footnotes should be used sparingly. Do not use footnotes for bibliographic references. Use the same font in size 10 and single line spacing;

9. Table, graphics, infographics and images must be in the body of the text followed by a caption. Images must be in excellent resolution. The author(s) must guarantee to obtain the reproduction rights. The Journal is not responsible for the misuse of images.

10. The bibliographic references cited in the text must appear complete at the end of the article in alphabetical order by author's last name, meeting the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT - NBR 6023/2018), whose basic points are specified below:

a) Highlight the title of the References section in bold;

b) Citations from the book must include:

Author(s), title only in bold; place of publication; publishing company; year.
BAGNO, Marcos. Preconceito linguístico: o que é, como se faz. São Paulo: Loyola, 2001.

c) The citations of part of the book (chapter, volume, fragment) must present:
Author(s); title of the part followed by the expression “In”; Book organizer(s); book title in bold; place of publication; publishing company; year.
LIMA, Luciano Rodrigues. Texto e discurso no ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira. In: LIMA, Diógenes Cândido de (Org). Ensino e aprendizagem de Língua Inglesa: conversas com especialistas. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2009.

d) The citations of journal articles in electronic media (CD-ROM, online) must present:
Author(s) of the article; Article Title; Journal title in bold; Place of publication (when applicable); volume number, location; month and year of publication; physical description of the electronic medium (CD-ROM).


VIEIRA, Cássio Leite; LOPES, Marcelo. A queda do cometa. Neo Interativa, Rio de Janeiro, n. 2, 1994. 1 CD-ROM.

FLUCK, Winfred. American Literary History and the Romance with America. American Literary History. out. 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2019.

11. All bibliographic material located on the internet must be followed by the "link" in the references.

For submissions to the TRANSLATIONS section, note:

Document Margins:
Top: 3cm
Bottom: 2.0 cm
Left: 2.0 cm
Right: 2.0 cm

Font: Arial
Font Size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5

The text must follow the structure:

1. Title of the translation in Brazilian Portuguese: on the first line, centered, bold, Arial font, size 12, only the first letter capitalized;

2. Title of the text in its original language: on the first line, centered, bold, font Arial, size 12, only the first letter capitalized;

3. In a footnote, present information about the authorship and about the text in its original version;

4. Abstract and keywords (in Brazilian Portuguese and foreign language) for the translated material;

5. Body text, Font: Arial, size 12, justified alignment;

6. The translated text must be accompanied by its original (in a separate document). Both texts published in journals and literary texts must be accompanied by the authorization of the author(s), or editors responsible for the first publication. Authorizations must be sent in a separate document and informed at the end of the translated text.


As produções submetidas a esta seção devem atender a temática específica proposta por Editores Convidados ou membros do Comitê Científico. As informações sobre as temáticas de cada número estarão à disposição na Seção Notícias da Revista.


A Seção Livre recebe submissões que estejam em acordo com a área da Revista: Estudos linguísticos, literários e pedagógicos, inscritos na área de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas; Estudos da Tradução; e Linguística Aplicada ao ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras. Os artigos devem ser originais e inéditos, escritos em Língua Portuguesa, Inglesa ou Francesa; e podem ser enviadas a qualquer tempo. 


Para esta seção podem ser submetidos, preferencialmente:

Artigos traduzidos para o português do Brasil, na área de Letras, Linguística e Artes publicados em periódicos estrangeiros;

Traduções de textos literários ou ensaios teóricos, a partir da língua inglesa ou francesa (para o envio de material em outras línguas, deve-se contatar o Comitê Editorial através do e-mail: lí

Em todos os casos, exige-se a autorização do(s) autor(es), ou editores responsáveis pela primeira publicação.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.