Social Networks as pedagogical operationalizers:
between the pitfalls and functionalities of multimodality
Between benefits and harms, the emergence of social networks has undoubtedly revolutionized communicative relationships at this time, providing the intersection between text, image, audio and video in a multimodal communicative process. In this scenario, considering the educational context, the fragmentation and speed with which information is consumed generate significant impacts on the ability to read, write and understand messages among new generations. The objective of this article is to analyze how social networks as pedagogical operationalizers have impacted text interpretation skills – from the simplest to the most complex – within the school space. To this end, it was verified in recent literature – including books and articles – which are the main pedagogical functionalities of multimodals and the challenges to be faced by educators and students. As a result, literature was found that, at the beginning of this century, highlighted the dangers of excessive and unsupervised use of social media – cognitive overload, superficialization of content, distraction, lack of focus, digital fatigue; others also point out that the amplification and enhancement of linguistic skills are feasible, in addition to protagonism and autonomy. It is concluded that, to combat informational superficialization and provide effective pedagogical functionality to digital platforms, it is essential that they are continuously supported by diligent information curation.
Keywords: Social Media. Linguistic competences. Multimodality. Information Curation.
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