Maritime crossings, dialogues of ancient pain

a proposal for reading the short story “My sea (faith)”, by Itamar Vieira Júnior




Itamar Vieira Júnior, Contemporary literature, Bahianities, Intertextualities


This article attempts a reading gesture of the short story “Meu mar (fé)”, present in the book Doramar ou a Odisseia (2021), by the Bahian writer Itamar Vieira Júnior, one of the exponents of contemporary Brazilian fiction, author of the award-winning novel Torto arado (2019). Eighth of the twelve stories that make up the book, the story under analysis is orbited by questions that are still very latent in the contemporary geopolitical, historical and social agenda: illegal immigration, broken identities, ethnic-social difference supplanted in the Brazilian reality, enunciation of the subalternized subject reporting /denouncing ways of existing on the margins, diasporic experience and violence. Skilled in descriptive constructions in his texts, the author reveals images of pain, anguish, hope and resistance, through the testimony-report of a narrator who, like her husband, are unnamed in the narrative. The tale seems to evoke elements present in other works by the Bahian literary confraternity, such as: Navio negreiro (1869), by Castro Alves; the sea in Jorge Amado, above all in Mar Morto (1936) and Luanda-Beira-Bahia (1971), by Adonias Filho. In this profusion of possibilities for dialogue, our reading here seeks to highlight the traces of intertextualities present in the production of Itamar Vieira Júnior, and reflect on the force of updating that Brazilian literature has.



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Author Biography

Pedro Dorneles da Silva Filho, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Doutorando (Literatura comparada) e Mestre (Literatura brasileira e Teoria literária) pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos de Literatura da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Especialista em Literatura, memória cultural e sociedade pelo Instituto Federal Fluminense e Graduado em Letras (Português/Literaturas) pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Macaé. Professor de Linguagens, Códigos e suas tecnologias da rede privada de ensino de Macaé-RJ e professor de Língua Portuguesa da rede municipal de Rio das Ostras-RJ.


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FILHO, Adonias. Luanda Beira Bahia. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização brasileira, 1971.
FILHO, Pedro Dorneles da Silva. A polissemia do espaço marítimo em Mar morto, de Jorge Amado: Vidas pretas em contínuo transcurso. In: LEITE, Gildeci de Oliveira; SARAIVA, Filismina Fernandes; PRADO, Thiago Martins Caldas (org.). II Webnário Estudos amadianos: 20 anos de permanência. Salvador-BA: Quarteto Editora, 2021.
LISPECTOR, Clarice. Felicidade clandestina. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1998.
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VIEIRA JR., Itamar. Doramar ou a Odisseia: Histórias. São Paulo: Todavia, 2021.



How to Cite

FILHO, P. D. da S. Maritime crossings, dialogues of ancient pain: a proposal for reading the short story “My sea (faith)”, by Itamar Vieira Júnior. Tabuleiro de Letras, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 46–55, 2023. DOI: 10.35499/tl.v17i1.17151. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

