O teatro do oprimido e A corda:
interfaces entre a estética teatral de Augusto Boal e a obra de Pepetela
The aim of this article is to investigate possibilities of interfaces that intertwine theatrical literary expressions, more precisely the theater of the oppressed by the theater director, playwright and essayist Augusto Boal, and The rope, by the Angolan author Pepetela. In our analytical course, we will focus on Boal proposal and its specificities, especially in the works Theater of the oppressed and other political poetics (1980) and Aesthetics of the oppressed (2009), with a critical and theoretical approach to the concepts of this aesthetic that he wanted, through theatrical techniques and pedagogical, social and political aspects, to encourage the participation and protagonism of the population in the social issues they experienced. Similarly, we will approach the structure and historiographical theme of the play The rope (1978) by Pepetela, which marks the passage of the African author from the novel to the theatrical genre. The work, inserted in the context of the post-independence period, deals with political issues and the struggle for power in Angola. We propose to seek evidence of points of convergence that stand out between the two artistic expressions, in them we access the idea of sensitization to sociopolitical ideals and the exercise of critical thinking regarding the anti-colonialist struggle.
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