O racismo no conto Negrinha (1920), de Monteiro Lobato
The scientific work developed here is part of a discussion about the presence of racist ideology in the literature of the writer Monteiro Lobato. More specifically, the existence of a racist thought in the author's work "Negrinha" (1920) will be analyzed. In this logic, the present article is developed with the intention of revealing evidence of racism in the work mentioned above from linguistic, historical, sociological and ideological elements in this literary text. For such an attempt, a bibliographical research was chosen in order to search for a theoretical and critical support in the approach to this theme. Authors such as Lopes (2008), Coutinho (2004), Silva (1987), among others, served as basis for the development of this set of ideas. As it is analyzed the way in which the black figure is constructed in the thought of Lobato in a wider context of the Brazilian racial ideology, the present theoretical construction has its relevance when putting in debate questions so crucial and that imply directly in the society of the country.
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