A semiótica do amigo
Uma análise da composição do companheirismo de Kuririn, em Dragon Ball Z
This article aims to analyze the semiotic production of the friend in the character Kuririn from Dragon Ball Z. To achieve this goal, the Jungian concept of archetype is used, which, in turn, supports the four points of the basic needs of archetypal constitution (MARK; PEARSON 2001) on which semiotic analysis is used to understand the valence of the main traits inherent in the formation of the friend in Kuririn. In this sense, both the qualitative methodology and the considerations of Soares (2020) are used to guide the outline of this investigation. To this end, this article is organized as follows: at first, Kuririn's semiotic architecture is described and interpreted in the light of the friend's archetypal functioning with regard to the four constituent phases of the narrative (PLATÃO; FIORIN, 1993). Subsequently, based on the relationship between the four points of the basic needs of archetypal constitution, the composition of Kuririn's semiotic narrativity is investigated. Finally, some appreciative comments are made and the possible contributions of whose product may come from the path taken here are estimated.
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