

Game, Decolonization, Racism, Education


Introduction: "Práticas e Cuidado: Revista de Saúde Coletiva" is pleased to publish a lecture from our special section Conferences/Lectures, which aims to broaden the dissemination of debates and research on issues pertaining to contemporaneity and their interaction with education and health. Aim: The aim of this section was to promote a dialogue with researchers who study the world of games and their relationship with education, particularly with regard to the urgent need to decolonize games. Method: Our interviewee is Dr. Aaron Trammel, Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. This lecture was mediated by Dr. Suiane Costa, a researcher in the field of games at the interface with health and education. Results: Trammell addressed contemporary debates about how games promote the values of white supremacy and privilege, becoming a colonizing media and reproducing stereotypes, racism and violence against minority groups.


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Author Biographies

Aaron Trammell, Professor at the University of California - United States of America

Doctorate in Communication and Informatics from Rutgers University

Suiane Costa Ferreira, Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Doctorate in Education and Contemporary Studies from the State University of Bahia. Coordinator of the Virtual Communities Research Center.


Bettocchi, E. Pode o subalterno jogar e criar? (novembro, 2019). In: Coletânea de textos e artigos do II Simpósio Fluminense de Jogos e Educação - Representação, papéis e jogos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Ferreira, S.C; Garcia, C.P.C; Dias, C.M. (2023). Desenvolvendo Board Games como tecnologia educacional para o Sistema Único de Saúde. In: Maurente, V.S; Maraschin, C. Oficinando em rede [livro eletrônico]: co-habitar tempos impossíveis. Florianópolis, SC: ABRAPSO Editora.

Grossi, P. K.; Machado, G. M.; Mocelin, C. E.; Bacelo, A. P. T. (2020) O uso de um game como instrumento de promoção de relações étnico-raciais e de gênero. In: Anais do VII Seminário de Políticas Sociais no Mercosul, Pelotas, RS.

Harrer, S; Custódio, L. (2022). Fair Play: Confronting Racism and Coloniality in Games: a Media Education Handbook. Helsinki: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Instituutti.

Trammel, A. (2023). Repairing Play - A Black Phenomenology. Massachusetts: The MIT Press.

Wilson, A. N. (2022). Despertano o gênio natural da criança preta. São Paulo: Editora Poder Afrikano.



How to Cite

Trammell, A., & Ferreira, S. C. (2024). DECOLONIZING GAMES. Práticas E Cuidado: Revista De Saúde Coletiva, 5, e20563. Retrieved from



Conferences, Lectures and Round Tables