

Active methodologies, Preceptorship, Residency in health, Mental health


Objective: to describe the experience of conducting a training course for preceptors in a mental health nursing residency program. Method: descriptive study of the experience report type carried out by health professionals specializing in mental health nursing. The present study describes the structuring, elaboration, implantation/adaptation and evaluation of a training course in preceptorship. It is noteworthy that the course lasted 120 hours, and was based on active methodologies (Design Thinking; Gamification; Mind Map; Panorama up and down; Portfolio; PBL; TBL), ensuring the protagonism of students involved in the training process. Results: the results were positive in the eyes of those involved, students and facilitators. The methodologies used were effective and well evaluated. And the objective of the course was achieved, with the described course being a good strategy for equipping professionals to act as preceptors. Conclusion: the good acceptance of the participants and the good evaluations that the course received are highlighted. Thus, this report, by describing the construction/implementation of a training course in preceptorship, based on active methodologies, enhances the dissemination and knowledge on the subject, in addition to stimulating further research on the subject.


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Author Biographies

Rafaela Sales Medeiros, Master's Student in Health Sciences at the University of São Paulo - Brazil

Residency in Nursing in Mental Health and Psychiatry at the University of São Paulo. Member of the Center for Studies and Research in Nursing in Addictions - Alcohol and other Drugs

José Gilberto Prates, Professor at the University of São Paulo - Brazil

Doctor in Health Sciences from the University of São Paulo. Member of the Study Group on Alcohol and Other Drugs

Karine Generoso Hohl, Psychiatric Nurse at the Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital das Clínicas - Brazil

Residency in Nursing in Mental Health and Psychiatry at the University of São Paulo.

Zulmira Maria Lobato, Professor at the University of São Paulo - Brazil

Master in Education from Bandeirante University of São Paulo. Technical Director of the Nutrition and Dietetics Service of the Psychiatry Institute of Hospital das Clínicas.

João Vitor Andrade, Resident in Nursing in Mental Health and Psychiatry at the University of São Paulo - Brazil

Bachelor of Nursing from the Federal University of Viçosa.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, R. S. ., Prates, J. G., Hohl, K. G. ., Lobato, Z. M. ., & Andrade, J. V. (2021). PRECEPTORS TRAINING: THE FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT IN THE TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS IN THE TRAINING OF HEALTH RESIDENTS. Práticas E Cuidado: Revista De Saúde Coletiva, 2, e13174. Retrieved from

