

Prenatal Care, Pregnant Women, Treponemal Infections, Epidemiology Descriptive


Objective: To analyze the epidemiological profile of reported cases of gestational syphilis in Salvador-BA between January 2015 and December 2019. Method: Descriptive epidemiological study, substantiated by secondary data, public access, from the Health Surveillance and Protection Superintendence, Results: There were a total of 625 cases in 2015, 954 in 2016, 892 in 2017, 1371 in 2018 and 1303 in 2019. There were 5145 notifications of syphilis in Salvador, of these 4845 live in the municipality and 32,90% of notifications occurred outside of prenatal care. It is noted that 51,72% have brown skin and 51,55% were aged between 20 and 29 years. It appears that 3018 contained data on schooling, where 41.31% did not complete elementary school. There are 1402 pregnant women diagnosed with latent syphilis. The partner's treatment was performed 32,78% of the time and there was no record of this information in 1566 cases. Conclusion: The epidemiological profile most affected by syphilis during the gestational period in the city of Salvador, in the last five years, comprises a population formed predominantly by brown women, aged between 20 and 29 years, housewives and who have not completed elementary school.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Magno Teixeira de Medeiros, Mestrando em Gestão em Saúde pela MUST University - EUA

Especialista em Emergência em Pediatria e Neonatologia pela Faculdade Presidente JK. Professor no Centro Universitário UniFTC.


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How to Cite

Silva, T. C. de S., Reis, G. G. B. dos ., & Medeiros, A. M. T. de. (2022). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE OF SYPHILIS CASES IN PREGNANT WOMEN IN THE CITY OF SALVADOR, BAHIA, FROM 2015 TO 2019. Práticas E Cuidado: Revista De Saúde Coletiva, 3, e12267. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/saudecoletiva/article/view/12267




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