The passivity of the student from the ideal of the curriculum and the teacher.



curriculum, teacher, student, education


Reflection paper whose purpose is to show the non-existent active role of the student in his educational formation, thanks to the idealization of the teacher and the curriculum, product of a moral prejudice of the teacher and the projection of an ideal subject from the statutes set forth by the curriculum. The work is developed from a qualitative methodology and a hermeneutic approach. As a result, the discussion of this problem raises the possibility of solving the educational triad, composed by the teacher, student and content, or curriculum, from the recognition and transversal implementation of interdisciplinary knowledge areas, which support the knowledge and restore the reciprocity of the mentioned triad, from a holistic view that includes the cultural, economic, social history and the psychobiological development of the student.


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Author Biography

Julián David Veloza Barajas, Universidad El Bosque (UEB)

Magister en Educación Inclusiva e Intercultural de la Universidad El Bosque (UEB), Psicólogo de la Universidad Minuto de Dios.


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How to Cite

Barajas, J. D. V. (2025). The passivity of the student from the ideal of the curriculum and the teacher. Diálogos E Diversidade, 5, e20583. Retrieved from



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