Social networks and new models of communication in education



Social networks, communication, education, learning communities, 21st century.


Thinking in terms of the 21st century, almost irreparably, we come up against social networks and an emerging model of communication in education. To do otherwise would be to look the other way and not attend to reality and demands as they are. Contemporary teachers must provide answers to the questions of their students, the family and the educational institution, which is no longer anchored to the past. A modern teacher has to look at the social networks, not just look at them. They must demand and be up to date, because it is a new blackboard where problems, doubts or questions about teaching are written and rewritten. In a way, if you can't beat your enemy, if that's what the networks are considered to be, we have to ally ourselves with them in order to learn and be able to teach.


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Author Biography

Vitor Amar Rodríguez, Universidade de Cádiz (UCA) - Espanha

Doctor, profesor de Nuevas tecnologías y medias en la educación. Autor de más de diez libros sobre cine e nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación. Director del grupo de investigación "Educación y comunicación" que pertenece al Plan Andaluz de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, V. A. (2022). Social networks and new models of communication in education. Diálogos E Diversidade, 2, e15407. Retrieved from



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