Call for papers - Automedialities: (auto)formative practices of aesthetic creation - v. 8, n. 23.2 - 2023


The notion of self-mediatedness, conceived in the field of literary and aesthetic studies, brings to (auto)biographical research a fruitful renewal by expanding beyond the word (spelling) to other modalities of mediations between the self (autos) and life (bios). The emphasis is on the materiality of the medium - sounds, chords, gestures, words, materials (cloth, clay, iron, paper...), graphics, colors, images... - in which the human being imprints the gesture of his aesthetic creation, while the medium, in turn, imprints its marks on the human being. In this sense, the materiality of the medium is no longer understood merely as an instrument of expression of the being, but as a mediator of its humanization, that is, of subjectivation and socialization. The call for contributions to this dossier aims to interpellate, on one hand, the artistic, aesthetic, literary, digital practices... through which the subject transfigures life, himself and the other, in plastic, musical, visual, digital, photographic, gestural, scenographic (auto)narrations... On the other hand, it is also expected to count on studies that consider self-medial practices as an opening for aesthetic, ethical and political formation throughout life. The great contribution of this dossier is to take the first step towards automediality, understood as a founding axis of (auto)biographical research in education.



Christine Delory-Momberger (USP-Nord)

Maria da Conceição Passeggi (UFRN - UNICID)


Text submission: until April 30, 2023 through the Journal System - use the template available in the Journal System. Submitted texts that are not in the template will not be accepted.

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