A study about the instruction for master’s thesis and research works for “experience reflection” in graduate schools in Japan: interviews with the academic staff


  • Kenji Miwa Seisa University, Yokohama, Japan




Reflection, Professional education, Graduate studies, Research work


In this paper, it was analyzed some characters of instruction for master’s thesis and research papers for professional mature students in Graduate Schools in Japan. From interviews to 11 academic staff in Graduate schools, where they were teaching and instructing professional mature students, the following investigation results were shown: 1) a flexible approach for program completion; 2) instruction to reflective and biographical research approach (reflection in and on action, relativization of thinking and discussion, a bridge between theories and biographical life story etc.). Women staff and women professional students also proposed issues related to life, and flat discussion must be important especially for the independence of the women.


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Biografia do Autor

Kenji Miwa, Seisa University, Yokohama, Japan

Professor Dr. of Education. Graduate Course for Practitioners, in Education Seisa University, Yokohama, Japan. Work research: professional development, teacher education, reflective practice, lifelong learning.


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Como Citar

MIWA, K. A study about the instruction for master’s thesis and research works for “experience reflection” in graduate schools in Japan: interviews with the academic staff. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)biográfica, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 12, p. 893–902, 2019. DOI: 10.31892/rbpab2525-426X.2019.v4.n12.p893-902. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/rbpab/article/view/7539. Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.