Guidelines for Proposing a Thematic Dossier


General information

Revista Ouricuri is a publication of the State University of Bahia, Department of Technology and Social Sciences, Campus III, in Juazeiro, a city located in the North of Bahia, Northeast region of Brazil, and its objective is to publish original articles that contribute scientific advancement in the areas of Biological, Agricultural, Human and Social Sciences. Therefore, the magazine has a wide spectrum of themes.

Ouricuri Magazine publishes thematic dossiers focused on the areas of interest, Natural Sciences, Human Ecology and Socio-environmental Management organized by researchers dedicated to interdisciplinary research, with national contributions from different regions of the country and internationally. Texts must be strictly related to the theme proposed for the edition. Revista Ouricuri maintains in its scope the demand for continuous flow, which is the responsibility of the magazine's editorial team, including articles on free themes.

According to Qualis Periódicos, Revista Ouricuri is classified as B1, the only qualis evaluated for the areas: all.


Revista Ouricuri accepts the submission of manuscripts in Portuguese, Spanish and English. When submitting your manuscript in Spanish or English, we recommend that the article be reviewed by a specialized professional. The review will ensure that the scientific content is adequate to be understood by reviewers and editors. After acceptance of the manuscript, the editors may request, if necessary, the review of the text by specialized professionals.

Thematic Dossier Proposal

Ouricuri Magazine offers two possibilities for proposing Dossiers:

Dossier with a theme defined by the Journal's Editorial Board, which invites researchers to investigate the topic.
Dossier submitted/proposed by researchers for evaluation/approval by the Journal's Editorial Board, with a theme that meets the scope of the journal.

General guidelines for composing the dossier in both modalities:

Preparation of a summary for dissemination: dossier organizers must prepare a summary for the public call in the journal system, with a maximum of 150 words, including the theme, initial deadline for receiving texts, final deadline, date of publication of the dossier and a brief description of the proposal. (Access model here)
Number of organizers participating in the dossier: maximum 4, preferably from different organizations, different from the organization of the journal. The organizers of the dossier, after approval of their proposal, will have 6 months to organize the publication, including publicity, invitation to authors, invitation to evaluators in the area, double-blind evaluation process and preparation of the dossier presentation, among other procedures, before handing over all the files in their final version to the Journal Board.
Body of evaluators for the text evaluation process: organizers must present at least 8 external evaluators, ensuring regional diversity in terms of the institutional affiliation of evaluators and, if possible, including international researchers. The list of evaluators must contain the appropriate contact details and they must be duly registered in the Revista Ouricuri system, as well as the proponents.
Number of articles to compose the dossier: minimum of 10 and maximum of 12 texts, including the editorial. The dossier must contain at least two articles with main authorship by foreign authors linked to academic institutions abroad, with publication of the text in the original language and in Portuguese.
The articles in the dossier must follow the Journal's rules, as defined in the Guidelines for Authors [], including the number of authors per article, author identification data, plagiarism and self-plagiarism policy, and the authors' responsibility for the full translation of the article into a foreign language, if the article is approved.
Types of texts: articles can be research results or theoretical essays, with a clear relationship with the topic in focus.
The general guidelines for publication in the Journal's system must be followed for the texts in the dossier, and the format for publishing the texts must be in accordance with the Ouricuri Magazine template. []
Declaration of Originality, Authorship and Responsibility for each article. It can be found in the Magazine's library (which can only be accessed after registering in the Ouricuri Magazine system).
The dossier must be processed preferably through the Revista Ouricuri platform (Access | Revista Ouricuri (, with articles submitted via the address (Submissions | Revista Ouricuri ( The Magazine's Editorial Team will define a person on the Editorial Board to monitor and provide the necessary support to the organizers.