From the optimization of pedagogy and didactics to practice
a reality check of translation in our university institutions today
Optimization. Pedagogy and didactics. Practice. Reality check. Translation. University institutions.Abstract
This article explores the challenges of training translators and Interpreters within the university context, structured around four main research axes. First, it questions the profile of translators that university Institutions should aim to train, taking Into account market evolutions and professional demands. Next, it examines the role of critique of existing translations as a pedagogical tool In training future translators and Interpreters, enabling students to develop an analytical and critical approach toward translation choices. A third axis focuses on the current state of technological tool Integration In this training, an essential element for ensuring the competitiveness and adaptability of future professionals In the face of technological advancements. Finally, the article discusses the type of collaboration that should be encouraged between theorists and practitioners to strengthen the professionalization and employability of translators and Interpreters In training.
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