Call for papers - Themed Issue 78: Digital Education: research and trends


Themed Issue n. 78 - Digital Education: research and trends

Mônica Cristina Garbin, PhD (Univesp) and Thaís Cristina Rodrigues Tezani, PhD (Unesp).


Digital education is an interdisciplinary area, which requires solid theoretical-epistemological, instrumental, and theoretical-methodological training to add value to professionals who work and will work in the various fields of applicability of formal and non-formal digital education. In this sense, the dossier intends to address topics on digital education, especially in relation to the production and application of knowledge related to digital technologies in educational contexts, promoting the exchange of research and dissemination of knowledge at national and international levels. 

Keywords: Communication and Education. Culture and Education. Education Research. Teaching-learning process.

Deadline: December 31st, 2024.