Learning Workshops: Teacher Training in the Production of Potentially Significant Learning Objects


  • Joceane Santos Dornelles Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Tânia Micheline Miorando
  • João Ygor Cardoso Dias
  • Adriano Edo Neuenfeldt
  • Paulo Henrique Vieira de Macedo


Basic education. University education. Initial and Continuing Teacher Training. Potentially Significant Learning Objects.


The excerpt we present is the result of workshops being carried out by members of the project entitled “Production and Sharing of Potentially Significant Digital Teaching and Learning Objects with Basic Education and Higher Education”, which aims to investigate the perceptions of teachers and students regarding teaching and learning processes, based on the production and sharing of didactic-pedagogical materials as Potentially Significant Digital Teaching and Learning Objects. In this sense, the project is based on an action research methodology and is being developed with teachers in initial training, from the Federal University of Santa Maria and Basic Education teachers from the municipal network of São Gabriel-RS. In view of this, the results regarding the reports of undergraduate students highlight the importance of working on playfulness in their training, empowering them to learn their teaching knowledge.



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How to Cite

Santos Dornelles, J., Micheline Miorando, T., Cardoso Dias, J. Y., Edo Neuenfeldt, A., & Vieira de Macedo, P. H. (2023). Learning Workshops: Teacher Training in the Production of Potentially Significant Learning Objects. Encontro De Ludicidade E Educação Matemática, 4(01), e202303. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/elem/article/view/18602