Teaching Mathematics, Creative Insubordination, Graphics, PercentageAbstract
Based on creative insubordination, we believe in the feasibility of discussing topics that go beyond mathematical content through more attractive and creative mathematics classes for students. Thus, the present work aims to describe a didactic sequence on graphs and percentages, created based on students' concerns about the elections that took place in the country in 2022. Such classes were applied in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, with 24 students from an eighth year elementary school class aged between 13 and 15, in a state school classified as extremely vulnerable by the Vulnerability Indicator – QM. To carry out the activity, students were invited to simulate a polling station, simulating voting in the second round of elections, having to choose a candidate for the position of president of the country and another for governor of the state of São Paulo. After the voting simulation, they were able to count all the votes and created column graphs representing the number of votes for each candidate and calculated their respective percentages. In the end, it was possible to make a percentage comparison between the room simulation and the real numbers of cities in the region, the state of São Paulo and Brazil. We consider that the students actively participated in the proposed activities and with their enthusiasm it was possible to address, in mathematics classes, issues related to citizenship and the conduct of a polling station.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Paula Odani Oliveira, Carolina Zenero de Souza

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