The use of the games: algebric board and obstacle race as a resource facilitators in the teaching of algebric expressions



Math. Algebra. Playfulness. Games.


The present work aims to present the result of a project on the use of two games as a facilitating resource for the teaching of algebraic expressions developed at the Jandira Henderson e Silva School, Moju, Pará. The research proceeded in four stages, in the first step, teaching was carried out on the content of algebraic expressions; in the second stage, an evaluative activity was applied; the third stage comprised the realization of a new class and the last stage corresponded to the reapplication of the evaluation activity. The game not only has the power to make classes more dynamic, but also to be useful for the teacher to be able to identify the main difficulties of their students, serving as a learning diagnosis. From the analysis of the graphics it can be inferred that there were changes in the level of understanding of students concerning the subject studied. In view of this, it is advised that it is always important to recover existing methodologies and propose others that differ from traditional didactics, bringing proposals.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, J., Leal, J. ., & Rodrigues, A. (2021). The use of the games: algebric board and obstacle race as a resource facilitators in the teaching of algebric expressions. Encontro De Ludicidade E Educação Matemática, 3(1), e202107. Retrieved from