Termo de outorga
uma experiência em gestão de recursos públicos do ensino, pesquisa e extensão na UNEB
Summary: This study aims to discuss the Grant Agreement as an instrument for managing public resources applied to teaching, research and extension at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), with a view to supporting the university institution in its role as an educational institution in the country. The initiative is based on planning instruments concerning the university institution, the budgetary and financial execution process, public administration and interaction with the systems involved in the public sector, complying with legal provisions, ensuring the scope of the university's final actions. The research shows that the instrument enhances the university's budgetary goals, respecting autonomy, multicampus and promotes the participation of the academic community, favoring the implementation of actions inherent to the university's objectives. The models establish roles for the actors and bodies involved, respecting their departments, located on campuses, located in 26 municipalities, reaching the identity territories of the state of Bahia. The process of systematizing the Grant Term instrument shows that achieving its institutional goals is necessary to propose viable mechanisms for carrying out specific actions, prioritizing institutional interests with the support of legal provisions, attracting the involvement of its employees: administrative technicians and research professors.Downloads
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