Representações sobre o ensino de línguas estrangeiras para alunos do PROEJA: pra quê serve essa língua?


  • Áurea Regina do Nascimento Santos Instituto Federal do Piauí



Vocational education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, PROEJA


This paper presents the results of a research about the conceptions of 16 students from the Buildings Course in the National Program of Integration between Vocational and Basic Education in the Genre of Young and Adult Education – PROEJA, at the Federal Institute of Piauí, about the teaching of foreign languages (English and Spanish). We present the educational program PROEJA; the role foreign languages have in the school curriculum and the relation the PROEJA students have with the teaching of English and Spanish. The study had a quali-quantitative, exploratory and descriptive focus. It also included a questionnaire (with multiple choice and open questions) in the methodology. In the results, we analyzed the socioeconomic profile of the students and their expectations regarding the teaching of foreign languages, and the difficulties they have in using the contents they study in the field of their course. We observed that a) most of the students do not acknowledge the importance of a foreign language for the job market in the field of the course; b) in some students‟ opinion, teachers who work with this genre of teaching do not contribute for the foreign language classes to become meaningful; and c) proper class materials such as books, contents related to the field of their course and more dynamic classes would help students to become more interested in the teaching of foreign languages.


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Author Biography

Áurea Regina do Nascimento Santos, Instituto Federal do Piauí

Especialista em Educação de Jovens e Adultos –PROEJA pelo Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI). Docente de Língua Inglesa –IFPI.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, Áurea R. do N. Representações sobre o ensino de línguas estrangeiras para alunos do PROEJA: pra quê serve essa língua?. Babel: Revista Eletrônica de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, Alagoinhas, BA, v. 4, n. 1, p. 2–18, 2014. DOI: 10.69969/revistababel.v4i1.981. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

