A infralinguaguem de Bruno Latour e o problema da comensurabilidade nos estudos interculturais
It is no longer possible to ignore cultural relativism, the recognition that all culture and its paradigms are relative to certain conditions. At the same time, relativism easily blossoms into incommensurability, where each culture is completely and irrecoverably different from all others. Each one with its own truth and finally we are all left with no certainty; "there are no facts, only interpretations". We are in face of the challenge of taking epistemological plurality seriously and at the same time making that plurality commensurable, which is, restoring objectivity. To do so, it is necessary to create an instrumental capable of making the cultural paradigms communicate again. This work aims to present a tool that can contribute to the solution of this problem. This study is about exposing the infralanguage as conceived by Bruno Latour, a research tool that has no other meaning than to allow the shift between one frame of reference to another. Our thesis is that infralanguage - and its soft metaphysics of background - offers a way to maintain (and enrich) cultural plurality, without necessarily establishing a complete incommensurability.
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