Importância e perfil do estudo da anatomia na formação médica: Percepção dos estudantes e desafios.



Learning anatomy is essential in medical training and constitutes a foundation for clinical practice. The present study evaluated the perception of medical students regarding the importance of anatomy and its study at undergraduate level. Objectives: To evaluate students’ perception on the importance of anatomy in medical training, for physical examination, clinical reasoning, imaging interpretation and performing medical procedures, as well as the adequacy of anatomy teaching hours, regular/irregular studying habits and students’ self-confidence regarding their knowledge of anatomy. Material and Methods: A questionnaire with a 5-point Likert-type scale was applied to 150 students at different stages in their undergraduate medical course. Results: The majority (98.7%) considered anatomy an important part of medical training. It was deemed important for physical examination (89%), clinical reasoning (97.4%), imaging interpretation (100%) and performing medical procedures (100%). Most students considered teaching hours to be insuficiente (45,3% vs 40,7%) and reported studying irregularly (64.7% vs. 35.3%); nevertheless, the students reported being confident in relation to their knowledge of anatomy, with 72.7% being partially confident and 6.6% completely confident. Conclusion: Students value anatomy as a pillar of medical education but face challenges concerning anatomy such as inadequate teaching hours and irregular study habits. Although reasonably confident regarding their knowledge of anatomy during undergraduate medical training, findings suggest a need to increase contact with anatomy in the undergraduate curriculum and promote teaching methods that improve the retention of knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Ana Luiza Souza Santana, UNEB

Médica pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Sandra de Quadros Uzêda, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Cirurgiã Dentista (UFBA), Especialista em Dor orofacial e trauma, Mestre e Doutora em Morfologia e Genética (UNIFESP), Professora Titular de Anatomia humana (UNEB).

Fernando Pena Gaspar Sobrinho, UNEB

Médico pela UFBA, com mestrado e doutorado em Medicina (UFBA). Residência médica em otorrinolaringologia (UFBA). Professor de anatomia (UNEB).

Aline Lima dos Santos Trzan, UNEB

Fisioterapeuta pela Ucsal, mestrado em medicina pela UFBA. Professora de anatomia UNEB.



How to Cite

Souza Santana, A. L., de Quadros Uzêda, S., Pena Gaspar Sobrinho, F., & Lima dos Santos Trzan, A. (2024). Importância e perfil do estudo da anatomia na formação médica: Percepção dos estudantes e desafios . Scientia: Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 9(2), 124–136. Retrieved from