Formative Paths, Ethnic-Racial Relations, Black FeminismAbstract
Introduction: The issue of ethnic-racial diversity has gained greater visibility with the implementation of Law 10.639/2003. This debate involves issues such as racial discrimination in the school context. In this article, we address black feminist narratives based on the collective reflections made in the course "Black Feminist Epistemologies in Educational Contexts", offered in the second semester of 2022, as a teaching internship, for the undergraduate courses in pedagogy and social sciences at the State University of Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro. Objective: To highlight this formative journey in order to problematize the narratives of black women intellectuals about the construction of intellectuality in contexts marked by intersectional discrimination. Methodology: This is a qualitative study focusing on experience reports. To this end, the textual production and other documentary records produced by the course participants were privileged, referring to the "Round of Black Intellectual Dialogues", promoted during the course. Results: Based on the analytical principles of black feminism, we identified that the course participants' formative experiences point to the challenges of the intellectual formation of black women in contexts of intersectional oppressions of class, gender and race. Conclusion: The anti-racist and anti-sexist educational concepts and practices shared throughout this course reflect individual and collective experiences and learning, in which the course participants take on the role of collaborative authorship, in the sense of a learning community.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kayllane Mendes Laurindo, Maria Luísa da Hora Ribeiro, Michele Pereira da Silva, Paula Aghata Pinto Batista, Sthefanni Batista de Sá, Viviane Ramiro da Silva Martins
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