Intersectionality, Health of the black population, Control images, Health inequities, Structural racismAbstract
Introduction: In Brazil, Black individuals disproportionately face negative health indicators, such as premature mortality, high rates of maternal and infant mortality, chronic and infectious diseases, and violence. Objective: To explore the health challenges faced by Black women in Brazil, highlighting the influence of intersecting oppressions. This essay analyzes the health-disease-care process in Black women and the potential impacts of intersecting oppressions related to gender, race, class, and other factors on their health. Method: Reflective analysis, examining the experiences of Black women and the barriers that limit their access to health services. Reflective analysis involves a critical assessment of personal and professional experiences, allowing for a deeper understanding of the issues under study. In this case, intersectionality is used as an analytical lens to examine how gender, race, class, and other identity factors intersect to create unique health and illness experiences. Results: It was identified that coloniality, a system of power perpetuating racial discrimination, contributes to the marginalization of Black women. Additionally, it was observed that Black women face various forms of oppression that adversely affect their health and access to healthcare. Conclusion: It is essential to adopt intersectional approaches to address health inequalities. In conclusion, the need for intersectional approaches to tackle health disparities and anti-racist practices is emphasized to challenge coloniality and promote social justice.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Renata Soares da Luz, Ana Paula de Oliveira Dias, Nathália de Souza Monezi, Rafaela Gioseffi da Silva, Fernanda Mota Rocha, Isabela Oliveira de Almeida, Giovanne Bento Paulino, Debóra Souza Santos
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