Pandemic; Covid-19; Epidemiolog;. Mortality; Obesity.Abstract
Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiological profile of individuals residing in the Federal District (DF) who died from COVID-19 and compare the characteristics of deaths between groups with and without obesity. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, using a database with information from the computerized health systems used in the public health network in the Federal District: COVID-19 Panel, TrakCare, SIVEP Flu and SIM. The sample consisted of 1,420 individuals of both genders. Pearson's chi-square test and the Mann-Whitney test were applied to assess the association of the exposure variable obesity with the analyzed clinical outcomes. The COVID-19 Mortality Coefficient was calculated for the general population and for individuals with and without obesity, according to health region and sex. Results: There were 1,420 deaths of individuals residing in the DF due to COVID-19, 57.4% of which occurred in males. The highest prevalence also occurred in groups of elderly people, people of mixed race/color and with comorbidity. The mean age observed was 53.7 years. There was a difference between the groups with and without obesity in terms of signs and symptoms, hospitalization and invasive ventilatory support. Conclusion: When describing the epidemiological profile of individuals who died from COVID-19 in the DF, there was success in the quality and robustness of the data presented. When comparing the characteristics of deaths according to obesity, it was observed that individuals with obesity have a lower mean age, need more invasive ventilatory support and more intense care than those without obesity.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Caio Júnio Leite Alencar, Débora Barbosa Ronca, Priscilleyne Ouverney Reis, Elionardo Andrade Resende

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