

Michel Foucault; fights; endurance; biopolitics.


The legacy of the Genealogist Michel Foucault is valid; His inquiries are not far removed from the struggles and liberations promoted two centuries before the current pandemic. The transmethodical inquiry is not committed to the bureaucratic way of investigating, nor to the modernist-postmodernist-colonial project that hides and justifies barbarism. With the rhizomatic deconstruction transmethod, struggles and resistances in Michel Foucault are analyzed in the midst of the cruelty of in-civilization in the midst of a pandemic. The struggles for the liberation of the body, for life are the struggles for the expired education that avoids, for the biopolitics that prevents power from transiting and makes it become oppressive, where of course power-knowledge is conjugated in liberating motives; also in Freirean struggles that turn us in search of our wisdom and better kindness for humanity. Michel Foucault and his commitment to this way of understanding philosophy will be reflected in his question about the possibilities of ethical and political resistance to the crisis of humanity: how is it possible to transform this current moment in history? In what sense do power relations as a strategic farmland of action allow us to think of a resistance to that present?


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Author Biography

Milagros Elena Rodriguez, Universidad de Oriente (UDO) - Venezuela

Cristiana, venezolana. Docente titular jubilada de la Universidad de Oriente (UDO), Venezuela. Postdoctorado en las nuevas tendencias y corrientes integradoras de pensamiento y sus concreciones, Universidad José Martí de Latinoamérica, México. Postdoctorado en Educación Matemática, Pensamiento y Religaje en la Transmodernidad, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Yaracuy, Venezuela. Postdoctorado en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armada, Venezuela. Doctora en Patrimonio Cultural, Universidad Latinoamericana y el Caribe, Venezuela. Doctora en Innovaciones Educativas, Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armada, Venezuela. Magister Scientiaurum en Matemáticas, Universidad de Oriente. Licenciada en Matemática, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. Actualmente tutor externo en Multidiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morín, México. Miembro del Instituto Científico Francisco de Miranda, Budapest, Hungría.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez, M. E. (2024). STRUGGLES AND RESISTANCE IN MICHEL FOUCAULT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CRUELTY OF IN-CIVILIZATION . Diálogos E Diversidade, 4, e17662. Retrieved from



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