

Public Inclusion Policies. Inclusion Laws for work. Deafness.


: This article aimed to understand the inclusion of the deaf subject in the job market. To respond to the objective, a literature review was carried out in the Scielo and Capes databases based on the keywords inclusion laws for work; inclusion in organizations and deafness. Applying the inclusion criteria address public policies for inclusion in the labor market and address the inclusion of deaf people in the labor market and the exclusion criteria address public policies aimed at school inclusion; debate the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the labor market; discuss the inclusion of people with physical disabilities in the labor market; be characterized as a literature review work; discuss public policies for inclusion in countries other than Brazil; or debate the inclusion of deaf people in the labor market in countries other than Brazil. Thus, 6 articles were selected. The analysis of the selected articles showed that the struggle for the inclusion of people with disabilities/deaf people in the labor market is a historical movement that has been advancing slowly. Furthermore, it was found that, in addition to the quota law, it would be important to offer more adequate training possibilities for people with disabilities so that they are better prepared to enter the labor market and that companies and managers also prepare to receive this public in an adequate way in the organizations. 


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Author Biography

Alini Mariot, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)

Doutoranda em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social pela Universidade Feevale e Mestre em Ciências Exatas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG). Interprete/tradutora de Libras na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG).



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How to Cite

Mariot, A. (2022). A INCLUSÃO DO SUJEITO SURDO NO MERCADO DE TRABALHO: UMA REVISÃO DA LITERATURA . Diálogos E Diversidade, 2, e15123. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/rdd/article/view/15123



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