Adaptation of Expert Accounting Works In The TJSP in front of the Changes Brought by the New Code of Civil Procedure




Accounting Expertise, Code of Civil Procedure, Expert-Accountant


The general objective is to find out if there are differences brought by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015 to the services provided by expert accountants before and after the new law came into force. The research has a qualitative approach with the following research typologies: bibliometric, sociometric and content analysis, using categorical analysis. Content analysis was carried out in 40 lawsuits that required the work of expert accountants, using categorical analysis that separated these lawsuits into three groups. Of these works, 50% fully followed the CPC (2015), currently in effect; 3% had replacements in accountants; all reports had exposure of the object of expertise; technical analysis and indication of the method used in the majority (97%), in addition to finding critical occurrences regarding the fulfillment of deadlines, with considerable requests for extension for the delivery of the report (33%) and disrespect for the legal deadline for clarifying the questions of the parties litigants in most occurrences (55%).The research contributes to the understanding of the scenario of work of expert accountants in Brazil from the update of the Code of Civil Procedure with regard to current regulatory compliance.


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Author Biographies

Douglas de Jesus Arruda, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

Graduated in Accounting Sciences

Antonio Saporito, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

PhD in Controllership and Accounting from the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting at the University of São Paulo - FEAUSP (2005), Master in Controllership and Accounting from FEAUSP (1989) and Graduated in Administration from (FEAUSP / 1978). Currently Associate Professor I at EPPEN - UNIFESP, Campus Osasco, Invited Professor for MBA courses at FGV Manegement, evaluator of undergraduate courses registered in the e-MEC system and ad hoc consultant at Revista Contabilidade e Finanças at FEA USP, at Revista Contabilidade Vista Revista da UFMG, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios and Revista Contabilidade e Controllership - RC&C. from UFPR. Consultant for companies, training and the Brazil Germany and Brazil France Chambers of Commerce. Author of the Books Analysis and Structure of Financial Statements (2015) and General Accounting: Fundamentals and practice of accounting reasoning (2017), both published by Editora Intersaberes. Former Academic Director and Coordinator of the Accounting course at several higher education institutions. Former director of courses at the Brazilian Association of Capital Market Analysts (ABAMEC, currently APIMEC). Professional experience over 25 years dedicated mainly to the areas of investment and credit analysis, in addition to consulting for the implementation of systems and training.


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