


Urbanization, Disaster Risk, Housing Policies, Social Vulnerability


This article examines the complex relationship between urbanization, disaster risk, and housing policies, particularly within the context of precarious urban environments in Brazil. It posits that urban spaces are not neutral territories; rather, they are shaped by social and political power dynamics that influence perceptions of both the urban 'other' and the natural 'other'. The analysis highlights how disasters, such as flooding and landslides, are often framed as external phenomena, rather than as consequences of socio-political decisions, especially in marginalized areas. The findings emphasize the necessity for a holistic approach that integrates ecological considerations into housing policies and acknowledges the lived experiences of residents in vulnerable locations, ultimately aiming for a more equitable urban development.


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Author Biography

Robert Coates, Wageningen University, Netherlands

Wageningen University, Netherlands


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How to Cite

COATES, R. MULTI-RISK AT THE URBAN PERIPHERY: DIVERGENCES AND NEW INTERSECTIONS IN POLICIES ON HOUSING AND DISASTER. Revista Ecologias Humanas, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. 26–43, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/Zenodo.13730091. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.